SAMSUNG WASHER PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Samsung Washing Machine Error Codes List Samsung washer fault codes Samsung washer 1C or IC fault code Samsung washer 3C or 3C3 fault code Samsung washer 4C or 4E fault code Samsung Flexwash washer LC or 1LC fault code Samsung washer dC fault code Samsung washer 5C or 5E fault code Samsung washer HC or HE fault code​ Samsung washer 8C or 8E fault code​ Samsung washer 4C2 fault code Samsung washer 9C1 fault code​ Samsung washer AC6 or AE6 fault code​ Samsung washer AC fault code Samsung washer LC fault code Samsung washer Sud fault code Samsung washer Ub fault code Samsung washer OC fault code Samsung washer tC fault codeSearch for:Search Button Table of ContentsToggle Table of ContentToggle Samsung Washing Machine Error Codes ListSamsung washer fault codesSamsung washer 1C or IC fault codeSamsung washer 3C or 3C3 fault codeSamsung washer 4C or 4E fault codeSamsung Flexwash washer LC or 1LC fault codeSamsung washer dC fault codeSamsung washer 5C or 5E fault codeSamsung washer HC or HE fault code​Samsung washer 8C or 8E fault code​Samsung washer 4C2 fault codeSamsung washer 9C1 fault code​Samsung washer AC6 or AE6 fault code​Samsung washer AC fault codeSamsung washer LC fault codeSamsung washer Sud fault codeSamsung washer Ub fault codeSamsung washer OC fault codeSamsung washer tC fault codeCATEGORY AIR CONDITIONER PROBLEMS BASIC KNOWLEDGE COOKER PROBLEMS DISHWASHER PROBLEMS DRYER PROBLEMS FAQs HOME Appliance Service Tool REFRIGERATOR PROBLEMS SMALL KITCHEN APPLIANCES PROBLEMS WASHING MACHINE PROBLEMS